How to Delete Monster Account Permanently is a job posting and job search site that caters to both employers and job seekers. The site is owned and operated by Monster Worldwide Inc, based in Weston, MA since its launch in 1999 by founder Jeff Taylor.
MonsterIndia Worldwide is a subsidiary of the Dutch multinational human resource firm Randstad Holding. MonsterIndia provides employment recruiting services to employers as well as providing jobseekers with an online database and search engine to assist in finding work or posting their resume for employers to view.
How to delete Monster India Account Permanently?
If you’ve found the job you were looking for and don’t want your resume and personal information to appear on anymore, you can cancel your account.
Delete the account only if you are certain you don’t want to use the company’s services anymore.
If you may need the services in the future, it might be better to hide your resume and profile and disable email notifications from instead of closing the account. All your resumes, cover letters, history, and personal information are deleted when you close your account.
Here’s the step by step process to delete monster account that mentioned below;
- First logged in Monster; then use the direct link below to delete your account
- Directlink:
- Go to your Account Settings page and click on "Cancel Membership."
Another method you can delete or deactivate account
Step 1
Click the “Cancel membership” link at the bottom of the page if you want to close the account. All your data is removed immediately when you close the account. Furthermore, you can’t recover the data once you close the account.
Step 2
Click the “Yes” button if you are absolutely certain you want to close your account. If you decide you still need it, click the “Nevermind, I’ll keep my Monster account” link to return to the Edit Account Settings page. The account is closed immediately and Monster deletes all your data.
How do I cancel/suspend my Monster account?
If you decide to completely cancel/delete your Monster account, you can do so by following these steps:
- Click your name in the upper right corner and select Account Settings.
- Select the Cancel membership link.
- Select Yes on the summary/review page.
- Select the Cancel Your Account button.
If you're not job hunting now, but you want to keep your Monster account, it is easy to disable or suspend it instead. Suspending your account versus deleting it ensures you'll retain access to your Apply History, stored Resumes/Cover Letters, and Saved Searches, but Employers will no longer have access to your resume, and you can turn off any current emails you are receiving from Monster.
Follow these steps to suspend your Monster account.
- Make your resume Private - This will ensure that your resume cannot be found by employers, but lets you maintain your resume on Monster for safe keeping and future use.
- Click your name in the upper right corner and select Resumes/Cover Letters
- Select the "Public" status link for your Public resume and update the Resume Visibility setting to Private.
- Turn Off any Saved Search agent emails - If you set your saved search to not deliver emails, you will still have access to it by running it directly from your account should you want to see what jobs are available in the future.
- Click your name in the upper right corner and select My Saved Searches
- Update the Email Frequency to Never for any active saved searches.
- Update your Notification Settings - You can choose which types of Monster or Career Related notifications you receive.
- Click your name in the upper right corner, select Account Settings, then the Notification Settings tab
- Deselect any current selections (optional) and click Save Changes.