Is Kona Coffee worth the price you pay?

If you’re looking up the most exotic coffee in the world, 100% Kona Coffee is bound to figure at the top of the list. In the span of just a few decades, the taste of this premium export from the land of Hawaii has spread from continent to continent, making it one of the worlds’s most sought after specialty coffees.

But then, is the legend of Pure Kona Coffee real or hype? Is the flavor divine or overrated? Most importantly, is the price justified or a waste? Here’s a blog that will guide you to the answer.

Factors that make Kona Coffee unique

Smoking hot location

The world’s biggest active volcano – Mouna Loa is more than just a tourist attraction. It is one of the most fertile grounds in the world, when it comes to cultivating coffee plants of world beating quality.

The volcanic soil of Mouna Loa is abundantly rich in phosphates, nitrates, manganese and iron - the human world equivalent of proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbs which is precisely what a young Kona Coffee plant needs to rise up to the skies of the coffee growing world.

Balanced weather

Kona Coffee plants have the immense fortune of experiencing weather conditions not available to coffee plantations elsewhere. A well-balanced mix of sun, rain and clouds. To be more elaborate, Kona Coffee plants get nourishing sunshine in the mornings, just the right amount of rain in the afternoons and mild cool in the nights.

The Human factor

Less machine and more tender loving care by the human hand. Another significant factor behind the distinctive flavor of Best Kona Coffee beans. Kona Coffee beans are hand-picked by farmers to ensure both high quality and minimal damage. The processing involves steps such as washing of the beans, immersion in fermentation tanks, air drying, milling, polishing and roasting; each carried out with uncompromising care to ensure a yield of the highest quality.

The flavor of Best Kona Coffee

Because Kona Coffee is grown at higher altitudes, the rich flavor of Kona Coffee beans don’t get washed away with the rains, as is usually the case with coffee grown in ground level farms. This ensures the sweet, nutty flavor of the beans accompanied by exotic hints of caramel and chocolate carries through with a stronger intensity – from the farm to the cup.

Laws that ensure genuineness

It wasn't too long back that 'Kona Coffee' blends spread throughout the coffee loving world posing as pure Kona Coffee. Modern day laws have helped check this proliferation with strict labeling mandates that require Kona blends to contain at least 10% Kona coffee with the percentage clearly mentioned on the label. The enforcement of stringent laws also helps ensure the premium amount you pay gets you the full feel and magic of Kona Coffee beans.

So, is Best Kona Coffee worth its premium price?

Well, factor in the extraordinary place of its birth, the almost magically perfect climatic conditions, and the extensive manual labor and finally the stringent laws and we hope you’ll get your answer.

If you’re looking to buy Kona Coffee that’s authentic, we’ll be happy to indulge you. We’re Social Brew, a fast growing e-commerce specialty coffee business that brings you some of the world’s most delectable coffees including 100% Kona Coffee Single Origin.

Apart from our exotic range of specialty coffees, we're also known for channeling half of our profits towards the cause of fighting human trafficking.


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